
Kid's Club

This afternoon we had a special event at the Oasis! Rob, another short termer here who's from Saskachewan, Canada, and I had the opportunity to plan a Kids' Program since the usual Kids' Club has been suspended while the team member who normally runs it is away on furlough. We chose the parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep from Luke 15 and the topic "You are precious to God." We didn't expect too many kids since there hadn't been very many around at the other programs, but three little girls came, 2 sisters from Azerbaijan and a 4-year old from Bosnia whose parents are both deaf/mute and they loved it! A few of us acted out the stories while I translated to German, since all three of the girls speak German. They found it especially funny when the Shepherd (Rob) found the lost sheep (team member David)! They made sheep hand puppets and searched for lost coins (edible of course!)The girls and their parents had a fun time out of the refugee camp and hopefully brought something away with them!
Yesterday I visited one of the Chechan refugee families who has been transferred to a nearby town. Christiana, an American team member, and I taught the mom how to make apple pie and she shared a yummy Chechan meal with us. I understand very little Russian, but Christiana is learning it and we got by just fine. I'm learning so much about different cultures and languages, but more importantly I'm learning how to show Christ's love though actions since our verbal communication with the refugees is often so limited.
Thank you so much for your prayers! I'm now tutoring 3 women in German and I'd appreciate prayer for understanding and patience. Please also keep the other short-termers John, Pam and Rob in mind as they finish up their time here next week and apply what they learned to their lives and church communities in Australia and Canada.


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